Great tamales! I can't believe I missed a whole month of blogging! I guess things have been a little crazy around here. We can finally see all the ground. The snow is gone and it's been very warm 50 and 60. Heat wave! The kids have been outside in shorts and tank tops already. They even broke out the flip flops today in the semi dry mud. They have been riding bikes and playing hard. Rick raked all the leaves up and spewed the grass seed out with the lovely spewing grass seed doohickey. Now if we can just keep the moose off the lawn! They don't shoo very well.

March was exciting! Zac and Natalie went on a mission trip to Mexico over Spring Break and both managed to come back alive and in one piece. This is the only picture that they have downloaded for me. They built three houses while they were there. Their team of 15 was interviewed by the SanDiego something or other newspaper. They also got interviewed by the local paper. They did great! They finally got all their thank you notes written. I told them if they didn't get them done, they had to babysit every weekend until they did. Miracles still happen! Notes have been delivered! Speaking of building, Zac is working for an amazing custom homebuilder here in Wasilla, Sundberg Quality Homes.
http://www.sundbergqualityhomes.com/ Zac has really enjoyed working for them and they build some very beautiful homes! He is keeping busy with work, homeschooling, playing with friends, and collecting paint ball gear for the upcoming Family Camp 2009 at Church on the Rock in Wasilla! It's going to be fun!! Don't miss out!
We also had a women's conference at our church the day the ash fell from Mt Redoubt. Boy! Is it nasty stuff. We are still cleaning it off stuff! I mailed some to my nephew Parker in Texas. Don't you know he was the talk of the town for a week! He brought volcanic ash from Alaska to school! Anyway, the conference was fantastic.

Natalie got to meet one of her favorite worship leaders from Bethel Church in Redding, CA. Her name is Kim Walker and she is amazing if you haven't already heard her stuff. She also performs/records with the Jesus Culture. It's awesome! She not only got to meet her but Kim prayed over her and prophesied as well. It was amazing! Natalie has been helping with worship at youth group. She can play the guitar and the piano pretty decently too! She is also writing music like you would not believe. Can you tell she was beside herself to meet Kim?!

Emily and Naomi are attending a learning center that has been such a blessing to us. They have had their struggles with separation anxiety and learning how to live with others for 5 hours a day, but they are doing well and really enjoy going to school. They get up on time for the most part, fix their lunches and help with breakfast. They are a great team when they aren't arguing. I don't know what they will do with themselves this summer, but I am sure it will be exciting! They have great plans for redecorating the tree house!!

Joseph is keeping himself and Natalie busy. She watches him most days while I am teaching piano or doing church stuff. He likes to tagalong when he can. He packs his "lunch" and off we go. His lunch consists of a pbj sandwich in his Lightning

McQueen sandwich keeper and a bag of organic baked cheese puffs. I know what you are thinking but they are very tasty! Joseph is still hooked on tractors and construction eqipment. Here is the proof! Notice the neat and tidy equipment yard to the right in the picture. Some days, he lines them all up to watch while he builds things with his blocks and lincoln logs. Yes, he is darn cute!
Tiffany is doing awesome in Homer! She is working full-time and has a roof over her head. She is also helping with different things at Church on the Rock in Homer as well. I will post some of her pictures soon.
May has lots of milestones coming up. School will end mid-month. I have my year end piano/voice recital at our church on May 15th. Y'all come! I start a new job in Anchorage this month. We have our church family camp to close out the month. Then, of course, there is the most important holiday of the year outside of Christmas and Easter, Mother's Day! Woo hoo!! I am already planning where we are going to eat and what I am going to buy for myself. So, you might ask, what are you going to buy? I am going to get a few things for the kitchen. I can't help myself. I am so stinking practical. Toaster, hot water maker, an attachment for my Bosch. So, here's to my 6 amazing reasons for celebrating Mother's Day! I love you all and pray God's richest blessings on the plans He has for you!! You are all a blessing!!!!!
Now, I have decided to share some words of wisdom for all you worriers our there. We do not have to depend on the current president for our economic future because our Father holds our future in the palm of His hand. Put your faith where your mouth is people! Economic crisis is not in God's vocabulary. I love you all! Now stop whining before I get out the duct tape.
Love it, love it, LOVE it!!!!! Hugs all all from the Z's!!! :D
Thanks for the update. Your family sounds busy...and fun.
We are about 2 hours from SeaTac Airport. So when you fly through, let me know. I would love to get together.
What job are you starting in Anchorage?
Hi Trudy! How are you doing? Good to see pics of you and your family:) Chandelle
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