Wow! It's been six weeks since I last wrote. I bet you all thought I fell off the planet. Since that time, we have been to Ireland & England and back and life in between. Rick and I went over there to teach Fresh Start to 3 different churches with a team of 5 of us. Fresh Start teaches on how to be free from pain and loss of the past. It's awesome! We use it in our church here in Wasilla. Check it out on We were in Belfast, Dublin, Liverpool and back to Dublin. They were all very interesting places. We got to explore an abandoned castle. It was a small one but it was bigger than my house. We also saw many of the scars of the conflict between the Catholics and Protestants in Belfast. Dublin has historical buildings on every corner. Liverpool is home to the largest Cathedral in England. That was awesome. Delirious did a concert there recently. We did not go to the Beetles museum. I am just not a fan of bugs. We did get to see the oldest church in the province as well as the International Slavery Museum, Maritime museum (which contained many artifacts from the Titanic) and George's Hall (the building that the royals had built while people starved in the streets). Since we returned, we have been helping Tiffany get ready to move to Homer, Alaska. A small fishing village down south :~) Our church just sent our former youth pastor down there to plant a church and it has really taken off. Tif is going down to do what she can to help. Pray she finds a job soon. She is very creatively talented. Zachary continues to work hard to support his toys. First, it was a complete paint ball set-up and now, it's x-box paraphernalia. He really does think hard before he decides to spend money. He and Natalie are going with the youth group to Mexico for a mission trip. They are excited to go but not with each other. Zac recently adopted a Compassion Int'l child from Mexico. He truly has the gift of generosity. Natalie finally got new strings for her guitar and now needs another one because one got away, again! She is writing music and tumbling at gymnastics again. She has started going for the Youth Worship Team practice to shadow what they do so she can eventually join the team. Emily and Naomi are loving their new learning center where they go for classes. They are still working on how to eat their lunch before lunch is over. They are a couple of social butterflies. Joseph is still spending his days being imaginative and creative. Especially when it comes to going potty in the morning. The light in the downstairs bathroom has been out for a few days. We have been trying to find the time to replace the fixture. I won't do it. I don't think my insurance would cover what could happen if I did. Joseph has always bypassed the upstairs bathroom and come downstairs to go potty in the morning. The first morning the light was out, he decided to hold it until it leaked. The second morning, he decided to use the floor, somehow. I am not exactly sure what happened. All I know is that it was on the floor and he just kept looking at it when I asked if he did it. I am really scared of the day when the light is fixed what we are going to find in there. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. I took him upstairs and showed him his bathroom next to his room and to use that one until Daddy fixes the light. Intriguing. Today, we finished with the countertops finally being installed in the kitchen. We had to get it done for the final inspection on our house. I will post pictures later. I also became an auntie again on Monday. Welcome to the world London!! Until next time...Tomorrow is a brand new day with no mistakes in it. So go to bed and forget todays!
PS After you repent and ask forgiveness, of course. It's never too late for a Fresh Start!
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