10 Honest Things About Me:
1 ) I LOVE to watch Christmas movies every Christmas even though I have seen them a million times. Right now we are watching the Santa Clause trilogy. We just added it to our collection of It's A Wonderful Life, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street, The Little Shop Around the Corner, Holiday Inn, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas, The Bishop's Wife, Frosty, Mickey's Christmas Carol, The Little Drummer Boy, Annabelle's Wish, The Nutcracker, Veggietales The Star of Christmas, Silent Night, and a myriad of others. (My kids just love Christmas movies, they watch them all year long!)
2 ) I like to hang every single ornament we have every bought or been given on the tree even if I have to double hang! The angel at the top of my tree is one that Tiffany made us when she was 2. I have been given tree toppers and have seen some really beautiful ones over the years but none compare to my paper plate glittered angel on top of my 7 foot fake tree. (Rick hates the needles.)
3 ) I play Christmas music 24/7 all month long! (Rick just loves this!)
4 ) I set a budget, make a list, check it twice and still buy too many presents and have to re-group. I also have 99% of my shopping done in October because that is when we Alaskans are rich for a day with the Permanent Fund Dividend. (otherwise known in this house as the Christmas Orthodontist Dentist Fund~exactly in that order!)
5 ) I take 3 weeks off from teaching piano and homeschooling so my kids and I can sit around and watch Christmas movies and drink hot cocoa. By day two, they are asking if they can do some schoolwork. (they usually really don't mean it, they just try to impress me.)
6 ) I make Christmas bread or Christmas cookies to pass out to people. I haven't figured out this year's category yet for who is getting some. It will probably be pretty random as I can be. (guess that is something you guys didn't expect, did ya now?)
7 ) I have a passion for Christmas lights! I purchased 10 boxes of outside icicle lights last year on clearance for 50 cents a box and they have yet to see the edges of my roof. (Rick just didn't think getting up on the ladder after it snowed was very safe. Guess what he will be doing in August?)
8 ) This is the first year that I did not pack up all my usual decor in my house and entirely replace them with Christmas decor. I was having a lazy year so we rearranged the downstairs living areas to create a "Christmas" room in the former living room. The former downstairs bedroom is now the school/music room, the former school/music room is now the family room w/ sectional & tv and~not to mention~our vast movie collection, and the former living room will still be the living room except for every year in December. (I really didn't do all that to create a "Christmas" room but it sure did sound good!)
9 ) Somehow, every year, my oldest children figure out what they are getting. I don't know if Tif has figured hers out yet since she isn't living at home to hear all the clues. Natalie just poked and prodded until she figured it out. Zac's excuse this year was, "That was the only thing on my wish list." Of course he is completely assuming that is what we got him. I am just really bad at hiding the truth. My face and reactions are completely readable. (I am sure that is a surprise to you guys!)
10 ) I always have the same basic things for Christmas dinner~Ham, Turkey Breast, Dressing, Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Broccoli-Rice Casserole, Homemade Rolls, and Pumpkin Pie. I usually add other stuff and experiment with new recipes, but my kids have decided these dishes are traditional and why ruin a good thing. (Ask Zac why I make 4 pumpkin pies.)
Thanks to Kelli for nominating me for this most prestigious award. Now, I pass the baton on to:
Tammy Zydonis
Rebecca Walker
Menda Fowler
Ronda Unruh
I would have passed it on to Kelli, but she passed it on to me first. :~)
The Rules:
1. Post 10 honest things about yourself along with the award picture.
2. Tag at least 5 other honest bloggers that you know as well as me. (if you know that many)
3. Have fun!
I will have to ponder somethings to write and will do a post soon. Thanks for taggin' me.
Hi Trudy!!
That was so entertaining!! hurrah!! i have to agree with the collection of ornaments. my mom has some older than us kids!! it's always a trip down memory lane when we decorate the tree! :)
Hi, Friend! Did you see that I did it?? Although...to be honest, I had to take one thing off as I was worried my mom would see... ANyway, I am really missing you!! It started yesterday on Christmas lots more than usual.:( I am SO thrilled that you have a place for the kids to go so you can go on the trip as planned!!! In August I am sure something can be worked out as David is in school and my mom gets off at the same time he does from school...just let me know...we will talk more. Hug all the kids for us!! We love you guys!! The Z's
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